Friday, January 6, 2012

Wat Pho in Bangkok

Wat Pho is one of the oldest and biggest monasteries in Bangkok and is home to more than one thousand Buddha images, including one of the largest single Buddha images of 46 meters length: the reclining Buddha.

One of the monastery's bell towers. In Buddhism a bell tower symbolizes 'awakening for the noble-truth and the feeling of peace'.

One of the many feral cats in Thailand.

The highly impressive gold plated reclining Buddha is 46 meters long and 15 meters high and is designed to illustrate the passing of the Buddha into nirvana. It left me in complete awe.

Phra Mondob: this hall keeps a small library of the Tripitaka or teachings of Buddha.

My boyfriend in the temple's rock garden.

They were in the process of changing one of the building's roof tiles when we visited and we were allowed to take an old tile home. What a great souvenir!

We also found this lovely creature on temple grounds.

Gorgeous plumeria flowers.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Roaming the streets of Bangkok

The first thing I noticed about Thailand was it's smell. As soon as you enter the country you're welcomed by a scent that is best described as a blend of mild curry, sweet and sour pork, coconut and incent. I was overwhelmed by it at first, but by the end of our trip I hardly noticed it anymore and now I'm back home I even kind of miss it.

We spent the first couple of days of our vacation in Bangkok, the most intense place I ever visited in my whole life.

Skytrain at Siam Square.

Scooters everywhere.

Hello Kitty heaven.

Cute clothing overload.

Christmas lights.